
Global Tactile, LLC


High Performance Cybernetics


Global Tactile, LLC — Careers

Blind & Sighted Career Opportunities

About Us

President of Global Tactile, LLC, and Creator of the Neo-Luna Navigation & Game System, Christopher S. Kallie, Ph.D., has been privately developing Cybernetic (Human-Computer Interface Technologies for over twenty years. Doctor Kallie incorporated Global Tactile in 2017 as a Research and Development initiative, with the primary goal of developing Blind Accessibility Products of exceptional quality. This mission is achieved through the implementation and utilization of Human-Computer Cybernetics in a Responsible and Transparent manner. The Neo-Luna Navigation & Game System serves as the flagship product in our extensive cybernetic product line.

Open Positions — Art, Business, Design, Engineer, Sports, Psychology, Neuroscience, Dance, Choreography, & Interdisciplinary Students & Graduates

Located in Hartland, Wisconsin, Cybernetics Research & Product Development Company, Global Tactile, LLC, is currently seeking contractors and employees for cutting-edge cybernetic controller, iPhone app, and game development. Our main focus will be on the development of adaptive wearable devices, which include blind user-interfaces and controllers, navigation and accessibility apps, as well as The Neo-Luna Game Apps for our patent-pending Neo Controllers. We want to emphasize that paid career opportunities are contingent upon the success of our business growth strategy. Successful applicants will have the opportunity to be employed and listed as strategic business partners within our grant applications and funding opportunities.

Career Opportunities Contractor, Full, & Part-Time Positions — All Are Encouraged To Apply—Including Blind & Visually-Impaired — Be Independent — Work From Home — At Your Own Pace Software Programmer / Software Engineer — will be responsible for incremental software updates for future releases of the Luna Navigator. Applicant must be fluent in Swift programming, and be able to translate pseudo-code into efficient Swift code. 3D Print Designer — will be responsible for designing 3D printable parts for the next generation Neo Controller II and Neo Touch. Applicant must be proficient in 3D product design and 3D printing. Fashion Designer — will be responsible for designing cybernetic wearable clothing. Applicant must be proficient in clothing design & sewing. Application & Game Developer — will be responsible for developing the Neo-Luna Games and productivity apps. Applicant must be proficient in Swift app development and User Interface Design. Electro-Mechanical Hardware Engineer — will be responsible for designing the keyboard and servo mechanisms for the Neo Controller II and Neo Touch. Applicant must be proficient in microcontroller and circuitboard design, and servo-controller technology. Sales & Service Representative — will be responsible for soliciting sales, fulfilling orders, and handling warranty & repair service requests. Applicant must be proficient in product sales. Soldering & Manufacturing Technician — will be responsible for assembling, testing, and repairing Neo Controllers. Applicant must be proficient in electronic soldering and parts assembly. Part-Time Positions — Product Testing & Research — On-Location Adventures Undergraduate Research Assistant — will research and develop Neo-Luna Games while playing outdoor games with the Luna Navigator, Neo Controller, and Neo-Luna Gaming Apps. Applicant must be physically fit and willing to work, study, and play outdoor sports (e.g., disc-golfing, soccer, biking, skiing, canoeing, & sailing) in all weather conditions. Performance Product Tester: Athletic, Dance, Choreography, Kinesiology, & Related — will play Neo-Luna Games, while being filmed for promotional videos. Applicant must be athletically fit, applicant must enjoy playing in all types of outdoor weather, and applicant must not be afraid of The Great Outdoors. Internship — Psychology & Neuroscience Internship — will use working prototypes and help design Neo-Luna Games. Applicant must be concurrently enrolled in related degree-seeking program. Volunteer Opportunities Volunteer to Help develop Blind Technologies: Contact info@globaltactile.com to share your talent with us. Contact Info If you would like to be part of our team — creating the latest Blind Navigation Technology — and you want to have fun developing and playing the awesomest new cybernetic gaming technologies, please check us out and consider creating the future of wearable computing with Global Tactile. Please send a resumé, personal statement, professional references, and requested position with requested hours and requested salary to info@globaltactile.com. We are looking forward to hearing from you!

Global Tactile, LLC

155 E Capitol Dr, Ste 9F
Hartland, WI 53029

Phone: 262-563-1145

Email: info@globaltactile.com

Research reported in this publication was supported by the National Eye Institute of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number R43EY032008. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.