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Global Tactile, LLC

High Performance Cybernetics


Posted on January 15, 2024 by cskallie

Launch Luna!

Greetings Future Cyborgs Welcome to the Neo-Luna Metasystem transition portal, where mortals become superhuman. I am Dr. Kallie, the Founder and President of Global Tactile. This week, we will discuss a detailed guide on how to use the Neo-Luna Navigation & Game System. Furthermore, we will cover the various licensing tiers associated with the Neo-Luna Navigation & Game System. Our agenda also includes a session on optimization tips for peak cybernetic performance — through at-home learning, backyard training, and wilderness gaming. Borg Up Yourself Additionally, we shall examine the all-new User Manual for the newly updated Luna Navigator App, version 1.0.0. We will also explore the super-human capabilities of the high-performance force-feedback Neo Controller, delve into the intricacies of Neo-Luna Games, and discuss the asynchronous competitive Neo-Luna Racing Metasystem. Game Reality So, if you are a Strong, Wild, and Free American, and you wish to become superhuman, then download the Luna App (free in America!), and take notes as you prepare yourself for the Ultimate Cyborg Reality with the Neo-Luna Cybernetic Metasystem — Exclusively from Global Tactile — GlobalTactile.com! Be Super, Human Software App & iPhone Settings Step 1: download Luna Navigator from App Store. Download Luna Navigator Step 2: adjust your iPhone’s Compass settings for optimal cybernetic performance. For best performance of the Luna Navigator, use the following settings on your iPhone: Essential iPhone Compass Settings: Turn On — Precise Location Turn On — Use True North Highly recommended iPhone Settings for extended navigation and gaming performance: Turn Off — Auto Lock Turn Off — Auto-Brightness Turn Off — Orientation Lock Optional iPhone Settings: If you are blind or visually impaired, the Luna Navigator works great with VoiceOver. If you are normally sighted, and use your iPhone visually, we recommend that you do not turn on VoiceOver, unless you want to make your iPhone’s interface to behave unpredictably. VoiceOver requires training to use effectively. If you are proficient in using VoiceOver, you may follow this Guide using VoiceOver. Congratulations! Now that you have the essential and recommended settings, your Luna Navigator will be ready for Cybernetic Racing & Games! Quick-Start: Using the Luna Navigator For super-fast and super-human Navigation, Cybernetic Racing, & Games, the Luna Navigator is super high performance, all within your pocket. Here’s how to operate Luna for best results: The Luna Navigator User Interface, from top to bottom: Luna 1.0.0 has a single, simple, and powerful User Interface. From top to bottom, the Luna Console (User Interface) displays: Heading 000.0 Degrees Latitude 00.000000 N -S Longitude -00.000000 E -W Pointer 00.0 Degrees Distance 0000.0 Meters Bearing 00.0 Degrees Route 100 Map Anticipator -+ 4.0 Magnification -+ 2.0 Trim -+ 0.0 Tracking Geometric 1 Incognito Switch Route Route Information Waypoint Waypoint Information Luna Navigator Properties Luna Display The Luna display features colored text over a black background for maintaining visual adaptation to the environment and battery conservation. Plus Luna is designed to send feedback signals to the Neo Controller, which eliminates retinal screen fatigue and further extends the battery life of your iPhone while navigating. Luna displays only essential information for position and navigation, and is specifically designed to keep your eyes adapted to your environment instead of a bright screen — providing a tactical visual advantage in perceptually-challenging environments and circumstances. Luna Inputs Map Button & Route Selector The Map button allows you to load personal and shared maps using the built-in iOS file system. The Route Selector allows you to scroll through and select routes from the currently loaded map. Luna Outputs Attitude: Heading, Latitude & Longitude The Attitude Properties (Heading, Latitude & Longitude) show the iPhone’s current location and orientation relative to the Globe. Heading updates at 10 Hz, and Coordinates (Latitude & Longitude) update at 1 Hz. Navigation: Pointer, Distance & Bearing The Navigation Properties (Pointer, Distance & Bearing) report the current shortest (geodesic) path to the next waypoint. Pointer shows the iPhone’s angle relative to the next waypoint in degrees (i.e., Bearing minus Heading, -180 to +180 degrees). Pointer and Bearing are shown in degrees, and Distance is shown in meters. Angles are updated at 10 Hz, and Distance updates at 1 Hz. Vibration: On-Point Luna vibrates On-Point (±3 Degrees) for classic/traditional/compact/discreet assisted navigation without the optional Neo Controller. Since Luna uses built-in vibration, the user receives 100 samples per minute (equal to 1.67 Hz) vibration-feedback with Luna alone. When the optional Neo Controller is switched on, Luna stops vibrating-on-point, and Neo provides super-fast and enhanced feedback to the user.


Global Tactile, LLC
155 E Capitol Dr, Ste 9F
Hartland, WI 53029
Phone: 262-563-1145
Email: info@globaltactile.com

Research reported here was supported by National Eye Institute of the National Institutes of Health under award number R43EY032008. A percentage and $218,583.00 were financed with Federal money and the remainder was financed by nongovernmental sources. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.