
Global Tactile, LLC


High Performance Cybernetics

About Us

Business Description

We specialize in the creation of cybernetic controllers, biometric recording devices, and intermodal wayfinding technologies. Our products cater to a diverse array of accessible, recreational, and professional applications.

Our advanced multi-modal force-feedback controllers and distributed-meta-cognition systems are meticulously designed to enhance performance across personal, social, and tactical tasks, games, and adventures. We provide universally-accessible navigation, gaming, and data-logging control systems suited for both individual cyborg enthusiasts and professional/commercial-industrial cybernetic applications. Additionally, we conduct scientific and forensic analysis utilizing our Luna Log body-motion recordings produced by our Luna Navigator.

We are dedicated to offering many of our technologies and services at no cost to Americans. Our pricing structure is thoughtfully optimized to meet the needs of both individuals and businesses. Our product range includes state-of-the-art cybernetic force-feedback controllers, human-resource, fleet, and machine logging tools, wayfinding applications, cybernetic communications networks, and sophisticated distributed meta-cognition systems — all designed for a variety of purposes including task management, energy conservation, motion logging, and cyborg racing.

We invite Americans and corporations to explore our navigation and accessibility solutions, engage in cyborg adventures and games in Wisconsin’s and America’s waterways and parks, or arrange for virtual or in-person learning sessions with our Creator and President — Doctor Christopher S. Kallie, Ph.D. to deepen their understanding of our advanced cybernetic technologies. Our commitment lies in empowering Americans with the tactical advantage provided by cutting-edge cybernetic innovations.

Business Keywords

High-Performance Cybernetic Meta-Systems

Global Tactile, LLC

155 E Capitol Dr, Ste 9F
Hartland, WI 53029

Phone: 262-563-1145

Email: info@globaltactile.com

Research reported in this publication was supported by the National Eye Institute of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number R43EY032008. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.